
Check out some of my work. Click the cards to learn more, and click the links to visit the projects. Enjoy!

Magic 8 Ball

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Magic 8 Ballclose

This is an app I made to help my students with front end web development. The goal was to show them a screenshot of the app, show them functionality, and then have them try to replicate it. After they're done with their attempt, I like to show them how many different ways there were to accomplish this task. We can then look through the code and identify better ways it could've been implemented, for example, not mixing jQuery and vanilla javaScript, and appending the answer to the page instead of showing it in an alert.

Covid-19 Info App

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Covid-19 Info Appclose

This is an application to track current statistics regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as information on testing locations in specific states. The application mainly focuses on the countries suffering the worst from the current pandemic outbreak. Users in the United States can select by state to obtain information on testing centers and contact information.

This project was a collaboration between 3 people - myself, Andrew, and Reiner. Check them out here!

Weather Dashboard

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Weather Dashboardclose

A handy application where you can check local weather for the next 5 days. When the user searches a zip code, they'll be returned detail info on current conditions, as well as a five day forecast.

JavaScript Algorithm Showcase

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JavaScript Algorithm Showcaseclose

Was it hard? No. Was it impressive? Also no. Should I have put some more professional projects on my portfolio? Absolutely. But what a great placeholder project, am I right? Also no. Write a word in the box, click submit, and watch three separate algorithms run at the same time and display for you to show that I know basic JS algorithms.

Readme Generator

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Readme Generatorclose

Tired of writing out Readme files for every project you make? Same here. This handy CLI will prompt you with questions about your project and generate a functional readme with proper formatting for you. If you'd like to download it and try it out yourself, feel free! If not, you can at least see it working in the picture on the card.

Dad Joke Generator

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Dad Joke Generatorclose

I hadn't made anything just for me in a while, as most of what I've made was either while I was a student or for my current students. So I made this for my wonderful recruiter Melanie Hanna, the certified queen of dad jokes. It's a simple app that will get you a dad joke to brighten your day. Want another one? Click the button again. Click it as many times as you like.